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What are the uses of high purity quartz sand?

2020-01-09 H:04:25

High purity quartz sand is made of natural crystal stone high quality natural quartz stone, carefully selected finely processed. High purity quartz sand has been widely used because of its unique physical chemical properties. Here is a small series to introduce the specific uses of high purity quartz sand.

1, ceramics refractory materials: porcelain embryo material glaze, kiln with high silicon brick, ordinary silicon brick silicon carbide other raw materials

2. Electronics: high purity silicon metal, optical fiber for communication, etc.

3, aviation, aerospace: its internal molecular chain structure, crystal shape lattice change law, so that it has high temperature resistance, small thermal expansion coefficient, high insulation, corrosion resistance, piezoelectric effect, resonance effect its unique optical characteristics.

4, chemical industry: quartz sand can be used as raw materials of silicon compounds sodium silicate, sulfuric acid tower filler, amorphous silica powder.

5, glass: quartz sand can be made of flat glass, float glass, glass products (glass jars, glass bottles, glass tubes, etc.), optical glass, glass fiber, glass instruments, conductive glass, glass cloth anti-ray special glass, etc.

For more information about quartz detection other related information, you can consult high purity quartz sand manufacturer Jingrui quartz in detail.



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