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High purity ultra fine quartz powder for use

2020-01-09 H:35:57

What is the use of high purity ultra-fine quartz powder?

Quartz powder is divided into grades, only specifications. Because of its characteristics of high whiteness, no impurities, low iron content, it has a wide range of applications.

One, glass: flat glass, float glass, glass products (glass jars, glass bottles, glass tubes, etc.), optical glass, glass fiber, glass instruments, conductive glass, glass cloth radiation resistant special glass other main materials

Two, ceramics refractory materials: porcelain embryo glaze, kiln with high silicon brick, ordinary silicon brick silicon carbide raw materials.

Three, construction: concrete, cementitious materials, road building materials, artificial marble, cement physical properties test materials (namely, cement standard sand), etc

Four, chemical industry: silicon compounds sodium silicate other raw materials, sulfuric acid tower filler, amorphous silica powder

Five, machinery: casting sand main raw materials, grinding materials (sandblasting, hard grinding paper, sand paper, emery cloth, etc.)

Vi. Electronics: high purity silicon metal, optical fiber for communication, etc

Seven, rubber, plastic: filler (can improve wear resistance)

Eight, coating: filler (can improve the weather resistance of coating)

Nine, metallurgy: silicon metal, ferrosilicon alloy silicon aluminum alloy raw materials additives, flux.

Ten, aviation, aerospace: its internal molecular chain structure, crystal shape lattice change law, so that it has high temperature resistance, low thermal expansion coefficient, high insulation, corrosion resistance, piezoelectric effect, resonance effect its unique optical characteristics.

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